Zanthoxylum capense | Small knobwood | Kleinperdepram trees for sale
Small knobwood is a medium-small, deciduous tree with a shrub-like growth habit and a non-aggressive root system. The tree has shiny, dark-green, once compound leaves. It bears bright red berries during late autumn. Its berries as well as leaves have a strong but pleasant lemon odor. Zanthoxylum capense is frost tolerant and quite water wise. Small knobwood (so named after the cone shape knobs on its trunk and branches) is ideal for planting in a small and even very small garden. Plant it as "something different" which will also attract birds. The tree responds well to pruning and can be planted in a large pot.
Value to bees: Unknown
For more information on this species go to PlantZAfrica Zanthoxylum capense, Small knobwood
Currently only available in 50L

Zanthoxylum capense (Small knobwood) in 50L for sale.
Recommended retail price-50L
Height 1.8m+
Trunk 20mm+
Diameter 0.8m+