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Karomia speciosa | Southern Chinese-hats trees for sale | Sambreelblom boom te koop

Buy Southern Chinese-hats trees at prices for various bag sizes--->

or contact Sandra

Alternative English names:

Mauve Chinese-hats | Wild parasol flower

Alternative Afrikaans names:

Perssambreelblom | Wildesambreelblom |

Attributes of Southern Chinese-hats trees

Southern Chinese-hats is a small, deciduous tree bearing beautiful mauve and pink flowers. It may flower more than once in a season. Karomia speciosa has non-aggressive roots and tolerates low temperatures to about -2C. It has soft velvety leaves. Southern Chinese-hats is often multi stemmed with an shrub-like presentation.

Bee value of Southern Chinese-hats is not available

For more information on Southern Chinese-hats go to

Gardening ideas for Southern Chinese-hats

Southern Chinese-hats is an excellent choice for a small garden. It ticks many boxes: Small size, non-aggressive roots, beautiful flowers. Below we show a Karomia speciosa planted in the front garden in a retirement estate in Pretoria. Note its informal growth form and abundance of flowers - a really beautiful garden specimen.


Image of a Southern Chinese-hats tree, growing in the Punda Maria area, Kruger National Park, South Africa

Southern Chinese-hats flowers. The tree flowers in abundance in spring and again in early autumn (depending on rainfall). Mauve flowers turn whitish and papery as they age and remain on the tree for a few weeks. Click on picture to expand

Click image to expand

Click image to expand

This Southern Chinese-hats grows in a up-market retirement estate in Pretoria, Gauteng province. Minimum winter temperature in Gauteng is known to drop well below zero. (We have once measured -8C at our Treeshop nursery!) However we believe that minimum temperature in built-up areas and on north facing slopes (as is the case here) is unlikely to drop below 0C. The splendid condition of Keromia speciosa in the image supports our belief. Click on picture to expand

Karomia speciosa | Southern Chinese-hats | tree planted in a garden setting in Pretoria.
Image of Karomia speciosa | Wild parasol flower | Sambreelblom | growing in the veld.

We took this photo of a Wild parasol flower tree near Balule in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. The species is rater scarce in the veld, but it has been planted in a few rest camps, for example Skukuza and Punda Maria.

Click image to expand

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Karomia speciosa trees are available in 20L and 50L bags.  Please contact Sandra for confirmation of their availability and price.

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Southern Chinese-hats trees (Wildesambreelblom bome) in 20L bags for sale

Click on image to expand it to original size

Image shows Baobab trees in 50L bags. Visitors can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery

"Karomia speciosa (Southern Chinese-hats)
in 20L bags for sale. 
Recommended retail price-20L 
Height 1.5m+
Trunk 10mm+
Diameter 0.2m+​"



Southern Chinese-hats trees (Widesambreelblom bome) in 50L bags for sale

Click on image to expand it to original size

Image shows Baobab trees in 50L bags. Visitirs can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery

"Karomia speciosa (Southern Chinese-hats)
in 50L for sale. 
Recommended retail price-50L 
Height 1.8m+
Trunk 20mm+
Diameter 0.8m+​"



click on image to expand to original size

Image shows Baobab trees in 100L bags. Visitors can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery


Calodendrum capense 450L

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Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

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