Attributes of Bushveld red-balloon trees
Erytrophysa transvaalensis is a deciduous small tree (usually about 3m in height), with beautiful glossy, dark green compound leaves. It often has a multi-stem growth form. The species derives its English name (Bushveld Red-balloon) from its balloon-like fruit. Balloons have up to tree black seeds, each with an exceptionally hard seed coat. Erytrophysa transvaalensis' once compound leaves is sometimes confused with those of Loxostylis alata. They are similar in shape and size, and both have winged rachis. However the lower leaflets of Bushveld Red-balloon often has a characteristic sub-leaflet. Erythrophysa transvaalensis bears attractive pinkish-red flowerheads in spring.
Bee value of Bushveld red-balloon is not available
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A few gardening ideas for Bushveld Red-balloon
Erythrophysa transvaalensis is a excellent choice for a small garden. Its large glossy leaves, attractive flowers and interesting balloon fruit (which remain on the tree for a long time), all combine to make this species a unique gardening shrub. In Treeshop's experience Transvaal Red-balloon has a non-aggressive root system. It tolerates mild frost (-1C), responds well to pruning and is not pest-prone.
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Showy flowerhead of Erythtophysa transvaalensis. Observe early growth of a tree-chamber balloon. This picture was taken at the Treeshop farm.
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Bushveld red-ballon trees are available in 50L bags. Please contact Sandra for confirmation of their availability and price.
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Bushveld Red-balloon (Bosveldrooiklapperbos) in 50L bags for sale
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"Erythrophysa transvaalensis (Bushveld Red-balloon tree)
in 50L for sale.
Recommended retail price-50L
Height 2m+
Trunk 20mm+
Diameter 0.8m+"
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