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Cladostemon kirkii I Tonga-kerrie for sale I Tongakierie

Buy Tonga-kerrie trees at prices for various bag sizes:--->

or contact Sandra

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Attributes of Tonga-kerrie trees

Tonga-kerrie is a unique tree with exceptionally beautiful flowers and fascinating fruit. It is deciduous with large, bright-green, trifoliolate leaves. Cladostemon kirkii has thickset roots with a disproportionally large root bole in relation to the size of the tree. It is recorded in literature to be a shrub or small tree.

Bee value of Cladostemon kirkii is not available.

For more information Tonga-kerrie go to:

A few gardening ideas for Tonga-kerri

Cladostemon kirkii is a tree for the connoisseur. Plant it for its unique flowers and fruit. It tolerates low temperatures up to -2C. The species does not do well in a pot and should rather be planted in open ground, preferably in full sun. Allow at least 2 meter distance to any paving. Occasional pruning will stimulate branch forming, which in turn will lead to prolific flowering.


Image shows the stunning flowers of Cladostemon kirkii | Tonga-kerrie | Tongakierie. This unique flower is a novelty. It will entice a visitor to buy Tonga-kerrie.

Cladostemon kirkii flowers once per year in spring. If growing conditions are favorable it may flower in abundance. Is its flower not absolutely magnificent? The flower's style is located in the center of its filaments, and is clearly visible in the picture. If pollinated, the style grows into a large gourd.

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Click image to expand

Cladostemon kirkii fruit. It takes about 6 months for the gourd to develop to its full size (which is slightly smaller than a tennis ball). Notwithstanding it's size, the fruit is surprisingly lightweight. It contains many seeds, buried is a white, spongy pulp.

Image shows  the fruit of Cladostemon kirkii | Tonga-kerrie | Tongakierie.

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Anchor 1

Tonga Kerrie trees are available in 50L only.  Please contact Sandra for confirmation of their availability and price.

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Image shows Baobab trees in 50L bags. Visitors can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery

Tonga kerrie (Tongakierie) trees in 50L bags for sale

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Image shows Baobab trees in 50L bags. Visitirs can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery

Cladostemon kirkii (Tonga-kerrie)
in 50L for sale. 
Recommended retail price-50L 
Height 1.2m+
Trunk 20mm+
Diameter 0.6m+​



click on image to expand to original size

Image shows Baobab trees in 100L bags. Visitors can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery

Sci_name (E-name)
in 100L for sale. 
Recommended retail price-100L 
Height 1.8m+
Trunk 20mm+
Diameter 0.8m+​



Calodendrum capense 450L

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Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

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