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Albizia tanganyicensis | Paperbark false-thorn trees for sale | Papierbasvalsdoring boom

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or contact Sandra

Alternative English names:

Paperbark albizia | Sneezewood

Alternative Afrikaans names:


Attributes of Paperbark false-thorn trees

Albizia tanganyicensis is a medium size deciduous tree. Once a year, during spring, it bears white, fluffy, pom-pom like flowers. It usually grows on mountain slopes and rocky outcrops. True to the genus Albizia, it is not armed (the reason why the common name includes "false-thorn"). Albizia tanganyicensis has large, twice compound leaves. Paperbark false-thorn is easily identified by its flaking paper-like bark. When it sheds old bark, new bark is strikingly white. This makes the tree stand out amongst other species and easy to identify.

Bee value of Albizia tanganyicensis is not available

For more information on Paperbark false-thorn go to:

A few gardening ideas for Paperbark false-thorn

Paperbark false-thorn is an undiscovered jewel. Its lush green leaves, pure white new bark, striking flowers and peeling old bark makes it a unique addition to your garden. In Treeshop's experience Albizia tanganyicensis' roots are not aggressive. Its young pods is reported to be toxic to cattle when browsed.


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image of Albizia tanganyicensis | Paperbark false-thorn | Papierbasvalsdoring tree. It shows flaking bark and pure white new bark.

Observe the peeling bark of Paperbark false-thorn and the pure, white new bark. This picture was taken at the Treeshop nursery. It is evident that bark shedding starts in young trees. The species starts to flower after about 5 years. It's growth rate after germination is slow, but once established, growth rate is fast.

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Albizia tanganyicensis trees are available in 50L  Contact Sandra to confirm their availability and price.

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Image shows Baobab trees in 50L bags. Visitors can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery


Albizia tanganyicensis (Papierbasvalsdoring) trees in 50L bags for sale

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Image shows Baobab trees in 50L bags. Visitirs can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery

"Albizia tanganyicensis (Paperbark false-thorn)
in 50L for sale.
Recommended retail price-50L
Height 2m+
Trunk 20mm+
Diameter 0.8m+"



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Image shows Baobab trees in 100L bags. Visitors can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery


Calodendrum capense 450L

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Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

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