Attributes of Baobab trees
Baobab (Kremetart boom) is an iconic Africa tree. In its natural habitat it is slow growing, but when properly cared for it grows surprisingly fast. The species soon develop a thickset bole. Elephants brows the outer bark an fibrous trunk of the tree. If browsing is not excessive, such damage does not seem to negatively affect its growth, while contributing to Baobab's icon shape. Adansonia digitata's bole may extend deep into the ground, pending soil conditions. It is deciduous, has digitate leaves, bears large, off-white flowers (lasting only about one day) and large indehiscent fruit. Larger trees tolerate frost, but young trees are frost sensitive. The species is quite water wise. Baobab is a protected tree.
Value to bees: Nectar, N2?; Pollen, P0?; Flowering months 10-3, (11-12). (See blog-post "The bee-value of South Africa's trees" for an explanation of codes)
For more information on Baobab go to
A few gardening ideas for Adansonia digitata
Baobab will make a striking focal point in a large garden. It can be planted x-ground, but its root bole should not be cut or damaged. Because of the protected status of the species, x-ground specimens are scarce and require special permits. As an alternative, consider to plant a young tree. With proper care it should attain the "Baobab look" in approximately 10 years. Adansonia digitata is a popular bonsai. Hence it may also be planted in a large pot. Use this method to enjoy Baobab in a small or even very small garden.

A magnificent, giant Baobab tree that we photographed during a hike in the Punda Maria area in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. (Carbon dating puts the age of these icons in the order of 2000 years. We estimate it to be about 30m high with a 40m crown).
There is a trend in affluent estates in South Africa to plant x-ground Baobab trees in the garden. Although striking and beautiful, just imagine for a moment what your garden will look like in a few hundred years!
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The bird value of trees exemplified by the iconic Baobab tree. Adansonia digitata is known to serve as a nesting place for Saddle-billed Stork, Red-billed Buffalo Weaver and Read-headed Weaver. Observe the subtle colors of the rising sun on the trunk and branches of this magnificent specimen. A STUNNING SCENE.

This Baobab has a remarkable story to tell: " Once upon a time, I germinated and grew up on a farm in Africa. We were a proud stand of glorious Adansonia digitata trees. However, three of us found our stand on a limestone layer. While the rest of my family grew and towered over the veld, nature stunted us in our growth. It was a sad-sad day when the farmer decided to clear the land. This happened four generations ago. Only we three minions survived. The farmer thought we were novelties. He carefully removed us from where we were growing, planted us in containers and christened us, "Bonsai trees". Since then, my two brothers were not properly cared for, and they too passed away. Today, centuries after germination, clever scientists estimate my age to be about 600 years. Despite my age, I am alive and well. I am lovingly cared for by my dear friend Deon van Rensburg.”
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Baobab trees are available in 20L, 50L and 100L bags. Please contact Sandra for confirmation of their availability and price.
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Baobab trees (Kremetart bome) in 20L bags for sale
Click on image to expand it to original size

"Adansonia digitata (Baobab tree)
in 20L bags for sale.
Recommended retail price-20L
Height 1.2m+
Trunk 15mm+
Diameter 0.4m+"
Baobab trees (Kremetart bome) in 50L bags for sale
Click on image to expand it to original size

"Adansonia digitata (Baobab tree)
in 50L for sale.
Recommended retail price-50L
Height 1.8m+
Trunk 40mm+
Diameter 0.8m+"
Baobab trees (Kremetart bome) in 100L bags for sale
click on image to expand to original size

"Adansonia digitata (Baobab tree)
in 100L for sale.
Recommended retail price-100L
Height 2.5m+
Trunk 50mm+
Diameter 1m+"
Baobab (Kremetart) trees in 250L bags for sale