Terminalia sericea | Silver cluster-leaf trees for sale
Silver cluster-leaf is quite water wise and withstands light frost. It is a deciduous tree with grey-green leaves and a neat growth form, sometimes with multiple umbrella-like crowns. Terminalia sericea bears red-brown fruit in abundance. Fruit remain on the tree for a long time, creating an an attractive multi-color appearance. It is difficult to get viable seeds. Consequently the species is not readily available in the nursery retail market. Silver cluster-leaf grows to a medium-small size. It needs well drained soil and has a non-aggressive root system.
A few gardening ideas
Silver cluster-leaf is an excellent choice for the smaller garden. Its grey-green leaves, neat and upright growth form and long-lasting seed load are unique attributes. Consider to plant either a few trees in a cluster to create a typical bush veld look, or a single tree as focal point. Terminalia sericia does well in a large pot or planter. Use this approach if you want to enjoy this beautiful tree in very small garden.
Value to honeybees: Nectar, N0-2; Pollen, P0-1; Flowering months 9-2, (10-11). (See blog-post "The bee-value of South Africa's trees" for an explanation of codes)
For more information on mature Silver cluster-leaf trees' size and shape, as well as its pot planting and bonsai potential click here
For more information on this species go to Plantz Africa Terminalia sericea Silver cluster-leaf
Available in 50L. Limited stock in 100L
Terminalia sericea (Silver cluster-leaf) in 50L for sale.
Recommended retail price-50L
Height 1.5m+
Trunk 20mm+
Diameter 0.8m+
Terminalia sericea (Silver cluster-leaf) in 100L for sale.
Recommended retail price-100L
Height 2m+
Trunk 25mm+
Diameter 1.2m+
R1 650
Silver cluster-leaf tree mature size and shape
Please refer to image 1, which we took in the Kruger National Park during early spring. Leaf growth has just started. This cluster of Treminalias shows typical size and shape of the species. We estimate their height at approximately 8m and crown diameter about the same. Image 2 shows an exceptionally large specimen with copious leaves. This photo was taken in mid summer. Note bending down of branches due to weight of the leaves.
Image 1


Image 3
Image 3 shows a "size and shape" icon, which we propose for Terminalia sericea. We classify Silver cluster-leaf's characteristic appearance as "informal tiered", its trunk as "upright" and its primary branch stucture as "spreading V-shaped". The Terminalia icon size, when measured against a 1.8m tall person, is about 6m high, with an 8m diameter. We estimate that this is a typical size and shape that one can expect a Silver cluster-leaf to achieve in a garden setting with ideal soil and water availability. The species is fast growing and should achieve this size in about 10 years.
Can a Silver cluster-leaf tree grow in a pot? Will it grow as a bonsai?

It well known that elephants push over Terminalias. We plan to collect photos of subsequent re-growth and will upload them here. We will then offer some African Bonsai ideas for this species.
Image 4 shows a Jackle-berry tree in a pot that we are currently training into a Silver Cluster-leaf African Bonsai (#Silverclusterleafafricanbonsai). The African Bonsai Tree concept in this case, is to grow it into the iconic cluster-leaf size and shape, with tree height not exceeding 1.5m. We hope to achieve this mature size limit by growing it in a 100L pot.
It follows that even if you have a very small garden, you can still enjoy the beauty of a Silver cluster-leaf tree.
Image 4 to follow