Searsia zeyheri | Blue currant for sale | Bloutaaibos
Blue currant (Bloutaaibos) is one of the most beautiful Searsia species. It is a small, semi-deciduous, fast growing, hardy tree, often with a shrub-like growth form. Its roots are non-aggressive. Searsia zeyheri bears attractive clusters of russet-red fruit - a favorite for fruit-eating birds. The species distinguish between male and female trees. Only the latter bear fruit. Plant Blue currant as a color contrast in a small garden (even very small garden), or to shield an unsightly wall. It is an undiscovered "no-nonsense" and easy to grow jewel.
Value to bees: Unknown
For more information on this species go to TreeBook Searsia zeyheri, Blue currant, Bloutaaibos
Currently only available in 50L

Searsia zeyheri (Blue currant) in 50L for sale.
Recommended retail price-50L
Height 1.2m+
Trunk 15mm+
Diameter 0.8m+