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Schotia afra | Karoo boer-bean tree for sale | Karoo-boerboon boom te koop

Buy Karoo boer-bean trees at prices for various bag sizes: see below.

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Karoo boer-bean (Karoo-boerboon) is a medium-slow growing, small, evergreen tree with dense, irregular and stiff branches. It has once-compound leaves with small leaflets that are much smaller that those of Schotia brachypetala. Schotia afra bears large, striking red-pink flowers, sometimes in profusion. It is drought and frost tolerant, and also non-messy. The species has a non-invasive root system.

 A few gardening ideas:

Plant Karoo boer-bean in a water-wise garden for its unique growth form an striking flowers. The latter will attract nectar feeding birds to your garden. Schotia afra responds well to pruning, making it a popular bonsai. We recommend this species for planting in a small garden. Plant it in a large pot if you want to enjoy its beauty in a very small garden.

Value to honeybees: Nectar, N2-3;  Pollen, P3;   Flowering months 8-3, (11-1).   (See  blog-post "The bee-value of South Africa's trees" for an explanation of codes)

For more information on this species go to PlantzAfrica Schotia afra, Karoo Boer-bean, Karoo-boerboon

Currently only available in 50L

Karoo boer-bean for sale | Karoo boerboon | Schotia afra

Schotia afra (Karoo boer-bean) in 50L for sale. 

Recommended retail price-50L 


  • Height 1.5m+

  • Trunk 20mm+

  • Diameter 0.8m+



Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

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Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

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