Podocarpus henkelii | Henkel's yellowwood tree for sale | Henkel-se-geelhout
Henkel’s yellowwood is quite frost hardy but is not drought tolerant. It is a slow growing, evergreen tree. Podocarpus (genus name recently changed to Afrocarpus) henkelli distinguishes between male and female trees. Only the latter bears fruit. Henkel’s yellowwood has dark green, linear, drooping leaves. In an open space (in contrast to a forest habitat) Podocarpus henkelii has a compact growth form. Plant a row of Henkel’s yellowwood as a screen or use it as a focal point in the garden. It will grow in a large container but requires proper care.
Value to bees: Unknown
For more information on this species go to PlantZAfrica:Afrocarpus henkelii, Henkel's yellowwood, Henkel-se-geelhout
Available in 50L and 100L. Contact Sandra for availability and price of trees in 450L.

Podocarpus henkelii (Drooping-leaved yellowwood) in 50L for sale.
Recommended retail price-50L
Height 1.8m+
Trunk 20mm+
Diameter 0.8m+
Podocarpus henkelii (Drooping-leaved yellowwood in 100L for sale.
Recommended retail price-100L
Height 2.5m+
Trunk 30mm+
Diameter 1.2m+