Phantom-tree | Meelsakboom | Moringa ovalifolia trees for sale
Phantom-tree (Meelsakboom, also known as Sprokiesboom) is a collectors item. It is a unique tree that grows in the desert areas of Namibia. Moringa ovalifolia is an erect tree with a thickset main trunk (sometimes multi-trunk), and branches that are full of character. Since it grows in the desert, it is very water wise and should not be watered at all during the winter season. During summer, usually after rain, it burst out with large, bright green, twice compound leaves.
Watch out for retail nurseries selling "Moringas" as if they are indigenous to Southern Africa. It is likely that these trees are Moringa oleifera. They are indigenous to South Asia and products made from them are reported to have many health benefits. Plant Phantom tree in an arid garden (small or large) as something different and very special.
Value to bees: Unknown
For more information on this species go to PlantZAfrica Moringa ovalifolia, Phantom-tree, Meelsakboom
Currently only available in 50L

Moringa ovalifolia (Phantom-tree) in 50L for sale.
Recommended retail price-50L
Height 1.m+
Trunk 25mm+
diameter 0.8m+