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Diospyros whyteana | Bladder-nut for sale | Swartbas 

Buy Bladder-nut trees at prices for various bag sizes: see below.

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The Bladder-nut tree is quite frost hardy but not drought tolerant. It is a small, evergreen tree with a shrub-like growth habit and a slow growth rate. Diospyros whyteana bears male and female flowers on separate trees and only female trees develop striking red bladder-like fruit. The tree has dark-green, glossy leaves. Its root system is not aggressive. 

Some gardening ideas:

The above attributes make Bladder-nut an excellent choice as focal point (alternatively a screening shrub) for a small garden or even a very small garden. It is not messy and  easy to care for. Diospyros whyteana thrives in a container. It is also popular bonsai. This versatile tree comes highly recommended for a garden of any size.

Value to honeybees: Nectar, N0-3?;  Pollen, P0-2?;  Flowering months 7-12.   (See  blog-post "The bee-value of South Africa's trees" for an explanation of codes)

For more information on this species go to PlantZAfrica Diospyros whyteana,  Bladder-nut, Swartbas

Currently only available in 50L

Bladder-nut for sale | Swartbas | Diospyros whyteana.jpg

Diospyros whyteana (Bladder-nut) in 50L for sale. 

Recommended retail price-100L 


  • Height 1.2m+

  • Trunk 15mm+

  • Diameter 0.8m+



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Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

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