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Commiphora neglecta | Sweet-root corkwood tree for sale | Soetwortelkanniedood te koop

Buy Sweet-root corkwood trees at prices for various bag sizes: see below.

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Sweet-root corkwood (Soetwortelkanniedood) is a special and quite unique species in the genus Commiphora. Meg Coats Palgrave lists 46 species in this genera, and reports that the roots of neglecta are peeled-off and eaten like sugar cane. (Hence the popular name "sweet-root").  Commiphora neglecta is a small sized tree with bright green, tri-foliate leaves growing from spine-tipped spur-branchlets. Its bark peels in straw-colored papery strips, revealing a smooth, bright-green under-bark. It has a tendency to branch low-down. There seems to be few trust-worthy sources on the internet where you can find more information on Commiphora species. I hope to put this right in the future.

Value to bees: Unknown

 A few gardening ideas:

The unique attributes discussed above make Sweet-rooted corkwood a collectors item. Many of the corkwood species similarly have other unique characteristics. They are all trees for the connoisseur. Commiphora neclecta is fairly frost sensitive and quite water wise. It does well in a container.  

Value to bees: Unknown

Find limited information on Commiphora here: PlantZAfrica Commiphora genus

Limited stock available in 50L

Sweet-root corkwood for sale | Soetwortelkanniedood | Commiphora neglecta C.jpg

Commiphora neglecta (Sweet-root corkwood) in 50L for sale. 

Recommended retail price-50L 


  • Height 1.5m+

  • Trunk 20mm+

  • Diameter 0.8m+



Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

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