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Buddleja saligna | False olive for sale | Witolienhout boom

Buy  False olive at prices for various bag sizes: see below.

​or contact Sandra

False olive is very frost hardy and able to withstand moderate drought. It is a fast growing, evergreen tree. Buddleja saligna is often multi-stemmed, and is sometimes classified as a shrub. False olive has greyish green leaves and bears creamy white flower heads – often in abundance. Its flowering time is unfortunately rather short. Plant Buddleja saligna close together to shield an unsightly view or wall. It is a "no-nonsense" easy grower.

Value to honeybees: Nectar, N0-3;  Pollen, P0-2;  Flowering months 8-3, (10-12).   (See  blog-post "The bee-value of South Africa's trees" for an explanation of codes)

For more information on this species go to Plantzafrica Buddleja saligna, False olive, Witolienhout

Available in 50L and 100L

Buddleja saligna C.jpg

Buddleja saligna (False olive) in 50L for sale. 

Recommended retail price-50L 


  • Height 1.8m+

  • Trunk 20mm+

  • Diameter 0.8m+



Buddleja saligna 100L C.jpg

Buddleja saligna (False olive) in 100L for sale. 

Recommended retail price-100L


  • Height 2.8m+

  • Trunk 35mm+

  • Diameter 1.2m+


R1 450

Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

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