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Berchemia zeyheri | Red ivory tree for sale | Rooi-ivoor boom

Buy Red ivory trees at prices for various bag sizes ---> 

or contact Sandra

Attributes of Red-ivory trees

Red-ivory  (Rooi-ivoor) is a medium-small, evergreen tree with a straight, upright trunk and a dense rounded canopy. It grows fairly slowly, tolerates mild frost and requires modest water. Berchemia zeyheri's root system is only slightly aggressive.  The tree has grey-green leaves, bears inconspicuous flowers and small edible, ellipsoid shaped fruit, turning red-brown when ripe.

Value to bees: Nectar, N2?;  Pollen, P0?;  Flowering months 10-3, (11-12).   (See  blog-post "The bee-value of South Africa's trees" for an explanation of codes)

For more information on this species go to:

A few gardening ideas for Red Ivory

work in process


Anchor 1

Berchemia zeyheri trees are available in 50L and 100L.  Contact Sandra to confirm their availability and price.

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Click on image to expand it to original size

Image shows Baobab trees in 50L bags. Visitors can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery


Click on image to expand it to original size

Red Ivory (Rooi-ivoor) trees in 50L bags for sale

Image shows Baobab trees in 50L bags. Visitirs can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery

Berchemia zeyheri (Red ivory)
in 50L for sale. 
Recommended retail price-50L 
Height 1.8m+
Trunk 20mm+
Diameter 0.8m+​



Red Ivory (Rooi-ivoor) trees in 100L bags for sale

click on image to expand to original size

Image shows Baobab trees in 100L bags. Visitors can see the trees as they are growing at Treeshop's nursery

Berchemia zeyheri (Red ivory)
in 100L for sale. 
Recommended retail price-100L 
Height 2.5m+
Trunk 40mm+
Diameter 1m+



Large Red Ivory (Rooi-ivoor) trees in 250L bags for sale

Calodendrum capense 450L

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Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

Prices exclude VAT and delivery cost. Discount available in accordance with Treeshop's policy.

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